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Deep Cleans

Hallway Deep Clean

Need to go one level deeper in the hall? This session is for you! 

In the mood to go a level deeper in the living room? This session is for you

Fancy giving the carpet on your stairs some TLC? This is the session for you! 

What's this? A bedroom that needs a deep clean? We've got you covered! 

Has your bathroom been neglected? Does it need some love? This session is for you

20 mins | Feel like the bathroom could do with some attention? This session is for you! 

Are you in the mood to give the kitchen a deep clean whilst also pretending you are in a club. This is the session for you.

Want to give your fridge some love? This session is for you. NOTE: This is PERFECT to do before a big shop. The less you have in your fridge the easier the clean this will be. 

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